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How to Monitor Keyword Rankings

How to Monitor Keyword Rankings

As a webmaster, you know the importance of SEO. It can make or break your website’s success. That’s why it’s essential to track your progress with keywords and page performance. By doing so, you can fine-tune your SEO strategy and ensure that your website is always performing at its best. To help you monitor these metrics easily, we offer our utilizing our keyword rank tracking dashboard that integrates seamlessly with Google Data Studio.

Monitoring the performance of your site is an important part of ensuring that you have successful SEO campaigns. The ability to perform unlimited keyword rank tracking allows for this, as it helps monitor how people are interacting with keywords on a page-by-page basis and provides valuable information about where changes need to happen so they can improve their rankings even more. So, if you were ever wondering how to monitor keyword rankings, you have your answer now.

Benefits of our Keyword Rank Tracking dashboard

We all know how much of impact keywords have on ranking, but did you also realize that they can be expensive? That’s why our Keyword Rank Tracking dashboard for google data studio is so helpful. For a one-time cost – this tool will guarantee accurate reports about where your website stands in relation to others within specific search terms!

You realize by now that keyword rank tracking is a great way to get an accurate idea of where your keywords fit in the rankings. You can find out if they’re being targeted correctly, and make sure that their performance doesn’t suffer because you know what people are searching for. 

Although the ideal tool for any SEO is actually Search Console, and you should use it frequently and make the most of it, with our Keyword Rank Tracking dashboard, you can see what keywords your website is ranking for in real-time. This will allow you to keep track of changes and make sure everything is working correctly so that traffic continues coming through!

The dashboard is cost-effective, and interactive and will update automatically once you set it up. You only need a one-time process which takes no more than 15 minutes!

Features of the Keyword Rank Tracking dashboard

For your keyword tracking procedure, this Google Data Studio dashboard template may prove to be a comprehensive option. Three separate sets of charts showing the total positions for your website are displayed on the dashboard’s initial page. The number of impressions and keywords for each position are included in the Keyword Distribution in SERPs by Page, giving you the total number of impressions for the top three spots and also for the number of keywords ranking in the top 3, up to the 30th position and more.

A graph that displays the average change in position over the previous 12 months as well as click distribution can be seen in the second table and set of charts. You have the freedom to compare and evaluate various sets of data by altering the table’s view and adding a line for clicks or CTR monthly. The right side of the dashboard displays the number of keywords ranking in the top three positions, up to the 30th position and more., during the course of the current period compared to the prior period for each position. This will enable you to determine which position in the SERPs your website appears most frequently.

The last table in the dashboard presents all the keywords ranking in the top three positions during the course of the current period compared to the prior period for each position, on the right side.

This will enable you to determine which position in the SERPs your website appears most frequently.

This page is an overview of ranking distribution in general on the website level, on the next page, you will be able to set your tracking on specific target keywords and pages. The keyword rank tracking page has focus on one keyword at a time with the target URL. You will have the possibility to filter out 12 keywords and pages per page and if you need more, just make a copy of the page and continue creating filters for keywords and target pages.

The limit is 31 columns to cover a full month, and the column chart on the left shows the daily average position for the chosen time period for the target keywords. You can see the target page, clicks, and average position for each keyword you are tracking on the right side. Additionally, on this page, you can filter off the Country and Date range as necessary.

The next page is URL rank tracking, which is more all-encompassing and provides better management because webmasters should concentrate more on all of the keywords ranking for that page rather than just one at a time. Because you will be expanding the scope of your ranking keywords with SEO efforts, merely one keyword won’t count as much as all its variations and all the other keywords that your website is ranking for.

On every URL level, you will be able to add and edit optional metrics like clicks, CTR, and the total number of ranking keywords per page in the URL rank tracking page. On the left side of the screen, you will see the performance trend of your target page for a chosen time period.

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