Is Google Analytics 4 (GA4) good for ecommerce

With the release of Google Analytics 4, webmasters may wonder if Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is good for ecommerce. The answer is a resounding yes! Google Analytics 4 includes several features that will benefit those who sell products or services online. The same benefits also hold true for webmasters that use Google Analytics 4 Data Studio template for customer analysis. In this blog post, we’ll look at some reasons why GA4 is great for e-commerce.

Main features of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 has several interesting new features that differentiate it from other data analysis tools. Below are some of the features of Google Analytics 4:

  • It allows you to modify and collect new events and conversions without any coding. You can do this in its user interface.
  • It offers you the data import function for App and Web events. This allows you to transfer data to your Google Analytics 4 property. You are also enabled to import further data and additional signals from databases of various other vendors.
  • It allows you to easily configure the inter-domain measurement that helps you measure the user’s journey through the domains.
  • It provides you with life cycle and e-commerce reports that help you show default reports and better understand your e-commerce funnels.

Strengths of GA4 for ecommerce

Automatic learning is the main form of data measurement. “Modeling” makes it possible to extrapolate from existing data and formulate hypotheses on the site’s traffic and the users’ behavior. The new “Insights” function, powered by AI, is intended to highlight valuable information for marketers automatically.

Its objective is to give marketers a much better understanding of user interactions across multiple devices.

It is designed to be “time-proof” and to operate in a world without cookies or identification data.

Google Analytics 4 offers “data flow” instead of the views and segments used by the old Universal Analytics properties.

More benefits of GA4

While the “event monitoring” in Classical Analytics requires a modified Analytics code or a script get.js, Google Analytics 4 allows you to edit, track, and fine-tune these events in the user interface.

  1. Improved cross-device tracking – GA4 offers improved cross-device tracking capabilities, which is essential for e-commerce businesses since customers often switch between devices when making a purchase. With GA4, you’ll be able to see the entire customer journey, from the first interaction to conversion. 
  2. Enhanced data collection – GA4 collects more data than ever before, which means you’ll better understand your customers and their behaviors. This data can improve your e-commerce website and make it more user-friendly. 
  3. Improved insights – GA4 provides improved insights into your e-commerce business. For example, you’ll be able to see which products are selling well and which ones need more work. You’ll also be able to identify any potential problems on your website and address them quickly. 
  4. Increased security – GA4 offers increased security for your e-commerce website. With the new features, you’ll be able to protect your customer’s data and keep it safe from cyberattacks. 

Migrating to GA4

It is advised that you migrate to Google Analytics 4 well before July 1, 2023, because if you wait until the last moment, you will no longer be able to compare your 2023 data and performance with that of 2022. Indeed, to take advantage of a history of an entire year, you must implement GA4 now. Unfortunately, Google says it will delete all of your data and that you have no choice but to pay to keep it longer.


Google Analytics 4 is a great update for those who run an ecommerce business. The new features will help you better understand your customers, collect more data, and improve the overall security of your website. So, if you haven’t already switched to GA4, now is the time!

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