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How to create SEO reports

How to create SEO reports

By now, most webmasters are aware of the importance of SEO in driving traffic to their websites. However, with the ever-changing landscape of SEO, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. That’s where the SEO Performance Dashboard for Webmasters comes in. Our SEO performance dashboard is designed to help webmasters track their SEO performance and see how they stack up against their competitors. In this blog post, we’ll give you a sneak peek of what our dashboard looks like, how to create SEO reports using this dashboard, and how it can help you improve your SEO performance.

Data Studio is designed to make it easy for marketers of all levels. The interface offers a wealth of tools, including solid design options and Google ecosystem data connectors that connect your dashboards with must-have sources like Facebook Ads!

The SEO Performance Dashboard provides webmasters with an at-a-glance view of their website’s SEO performance. The dashboard includes metrics such as organic traffic, pages indexed by Google, and more. The dashboard also includes a side-by-side comparison of your website’s SEO performance with previous period. This analysis is designed to help you identify areas where you need to improve your SEO strategy. 

In addition to the comparison analysis, the dashboard includes a list of actionable items you can take to improve your website’s SEO performance. So, if ever you were wondering what should be included in SEO report, then you’ll get your answer with this detailed dashboard.

SEO Performance Dashboard for Webmasters widgets

The SEO Performance Dashboard for Webmasters template includes many different widgets that cover all of the key aspects of SEO performance, including:

  • Organic Overview – This widget shows you how much overall traffic your website is receiving from organic search. You can also see a breakdown of traffic by a device (desktop, mobile, tablet) and country.
  • Top keywords – This widget shows which keywords drive the most traffic to your website. You can see organic keyword rankings and the click-through rate (CTR) for each keyword. 
  • Top landing pages – This widget shows which landing pages receive the most traffic from organic search queries. You can also see the CTR for each page. 
  • SERP position changes – This widget tracks your website’s average SERP position for chosen keywords over time. This information can be invaluable for spotting trends and taking action to improve your ranking. 

And much more!

The SEO Performance Dashboard from Dashspert is an essential tool for any webmaster who wants to stay on top of their SEO game. The dashboard makes it easy to track your progress and identify areas where you need to make improvements.

With this template available for only $100, you can always keep an eye on the performance of your SEO campaigns in real time with this data studio template. In addition, this integration provides you opportunities for monitoring overall health and authority according to search engine rankings like Google. So, what are you waiting for? Get this dashboard today and start tracking your SEO performance like a pro!