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How do you measure the success of SEO

How do you measure the success of SEO

Keep track of the success of your SEO initiatives and give your on-page optimization clients statistics on the rising number of impressions and fresh keyword rankings. The success of On-page optimization is co-related to how do you measure the success of SEO and present it to your clients. For example, you may track a website’s overall strength and authority as seen by search engines like Google using our Google data studio SEO performance dashboard.

No marketing campaign can be complete without some measurement method to determine success. The same applies to SEO success, which is measured by a number of different factors, including impressions, new ranking keywords, SERP position, clicks, and CTR.

On-page optimization is an important part of any webmaster’s SEO strategy. Optimizing individual pages for relevant keywords and easy navigation can directly influence your website’s ranking in search results. So, if you’re looking to improve your website’s SEO, start with your on-page optimization.

By understanding how these factors work together, you can better understand what on-page optimization strategies are working and where you need to make adjustments. Keep reading to learn more!


An impression is defined as any time your website appears on a search engine result page (SERP), regardless of whether the searcher clicks on it or not. This metric is important because it gives you an idea of how often potential customers are seeing your website. The more impressions you have, the greater the chance that someone will eventually click through to your site. 

New Ranking Keywords 

Another important metric to track is the number of new ranking keywords. Ranking keywords are the terms or phrases people use when searching for a product or service like yours. If you rank for a new keyword, your website appears in SERP results for that particular term. Therefore, the more ranking keywords you have, the greater your website’s visibility in search results. 

SERP Position 

Your SERP position is simply your website’s position in search engine results pages. The higher up you are in SERP results, the more likely it is that searchers will see and click on your listing. Therefore, tracking your SERP position over time can give you an idea of how well you’re on-page optimization efforts are paying off. 


Of course, one of the most important metrics to track when measuring SEO success is the number of clicks your website receives. A click is defined as a user clicking through from a Google search result to your website. Therefore, clicks are perhaps the most important metric to track when gauging SEO success, as they represent actual customer engagement with your site.

A click occurs when someone sees your listing in SERP results and clicks on it to visit your site. The more clicks you have, the more traffic will be driven to your website. 

Click-Through Rate (CTR) 

Lastly, another key metric to monitor is CTR or click-through rate. CTR measures the percentage of times people who see your listing in SERP results actually click on it. A high CTR indicates that searchers find your listing relevant and useful, while a low CTR could indicate that your title and/or description needs work. Tracking CTR over time can give you insights into how well your listings are performing and help you improve them accordingly. 


As you can see, many different metrics go into measuring SEO success with on-page optimization data. By understanding what each metric represents and how they work together, you can better understand what strategies are working and where improvements need to be made. So, get out there and start tracking those numbers! Your business depends on it. As viewed SEO performance, the first thing clients should see improving is.